
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Watson

WEIRTON — Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Watson, Jr. celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Aug. 30 with a private dinner at a favorite restaurant.

The couple was united in marriage at the Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C.

He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Watson of East Liverpool. He was a licensed architect, retiring in 2011 with more than 40 years with his company.

She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William R. Devitt of Frankfort Springs, Pa. She was a civil servant in the federal government, retiring in 2004 with more than 40 years of service.

The couple spent the majority of their married life living and working in the Atlanta area prior to returning in 2012. The couple resides in Weirton.


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