
Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Kovach

WINTERSVILLE — Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Kovach of Wintersville celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Oct. 28.

Kovach and the former Debra A. Fadeley were married Oct. 28, 1972, at Annunciation Catholic Church in Mingo Junction with the Rev. Ronald Cox as celebrant.

He is the son of the late George and Mayola (Liston) Kovach and was employed by Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel for 41 years.

She is the daughter of the late Fred and Anna Rita (Mulrooney) Fadeley and was employed as a legal secretary for 39 years.

They are the parents of Beth (John) Hill of Hagerstown, Md., and Kate (John) Hershey of Newtown Square, Pa. They have four grandchildren.

The couple were honored by immediate family during a weekend celebration at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort.


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