
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalfonso

WINTERSVILLE — Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalfonso of Wintersville celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on Sept. 9 at Blessed Sacrament Church.

Dalfonso and the former Jean DiCarlo were married on Sept. 9, 1952, at St. Anthony Church in Steubenville by the Rev. Paul L. Ritcher.

He is a son of the late Tony and Mary Dalfonso and retired in 1989 from Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp. after 40 years of service.

She is the daughter of the late Dominic and Dora DiCarlo and retired from Big Bear after 25 years of service.

They are the parents of three sons, Raymond, Michael and Thomas, and have five grandchildren and one great-grandchild, all living in Florida.


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