
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tarr

TORONTO — Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tarr of Toronto will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

Tarr and the former Marilyn Morelli were married on Sept. 23, 1972, at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Steubenville.

He is the son of the late William and Doris Tarr and is retired after 41 years from Ohio Edison/FirstEnergy Corp.

She is the daughter of Theresa Morelli and the late Benjamin Morelli. She is now retired but worked for Rite Aid, Phar-Mor Pharmacy and the Herald-Star as a proofreader.

They are the parents of Jacqueline (Clarence) Tarr-Jones of Canal Winchester, Ohio, and Benjamin (Tammy) Tarr of Columbus.

They will celebrate their golden anniversary with family at Oglebay.


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