
Mr. and Mrs. David Burskey

NEW CUMBERLAND — Mr. and Mrs. David Burskey of New Cumberland celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

Burskey and the former Bonnie Milby were married on July 15, 1972, at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in New Cumberland by the Rev. Leo Fohl.

He is the son of the late August and Laura Burskey and retired after 40 years from Weirton Steel/Arcelor Mittal Corp.

She is the daughter of Peg Milby and the late Bill Milby. She retired as a dental hygienist and worked part time for 13 years at the Top of WV Convention and Visitor’s Bureau.

They are the parents of three children: Theo (Jaime) Burskey of Pickerington, Ohio; Vince Burskey (Milena Candiotto) of Delray Beach, Fla.; and Tiffany (Tommy) Evans of Union, Ky. They have six grandchildren.

The couple celebrated with a dinner in Pittsburgh and will continue their celebration with a trip to Alaska in September.


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