
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Parker

WEIRTON — Mr. and Mrs. Rick Parker of Weirton are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

Parker and the former Cindy McQuain were united in marriage by the Rev. Larry Brown on Sept. 18, 1971, at the old St. Paul’s Church that was on County Road.

She is the daughter of the late Jack and Grace McQuain. She worked at the Gap and was an aide for Hancock County Schools. He is the son of the late Stanley and Roselyn Parker. He was employed at Weirton Steel for 33 years, TSA Security at the Pittsburgh Airport for three years and in maintenance at Weirton Medical Center for seven years.

The Parkers are the parents of Jody Desiderio of Weirton and Ryan Parker of Toledo. They have two granddaughters.

They will celebrate their anniversary with family.


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