
Left-hander Tim Mayza and Pittsburgh Pirates agree to 1-year contract

PITTSBURGH (AP) — Left-hander Tim Mayza and the Pittsburgh Pirates agreed Monday to a $1.15 million, one-year contract.

Mayza was 0-2 with a 6.33 ERA in 50 relief appearances last season for Toronto and the New York Yankees. He did not allow a run in three postseason appearances.

Mayza, who turned 33 last month, is 20-9 with a 3.88 ERA and four saves over seven seasons with Toronto (2017-24) and New York. He had Tommy John surgery on Sept. 18, 2019, five days after injuring his elbow during a game against the Yankees, and returned to a major league mound in April 2021.

Infielder Alika Williams was designated for assignment.


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