

Big Red boys win 12th-straight

UHRICHSVILLE – The Big Red boys basketball team keeps on rolling.

Steubenville took on Malvern Sunday in the Claymont Mideseason shootout in a battle of 11-win teams and came out on top, 82-71.

It is the 12th-straight victory for now 12-1 Big Red,and just the third loss for the Hornets (11-3).

The 82 points makes the sixth time Big Red has topped 80 points.

Aiden Davis led the way with 27 points and six rebounds, while Will Taylor racked up 23 points.

Big Red is scheduled to host Marietta on Tuesday night.



Steubenville Catholic 41, Harrison Central 39

CADIZ – Tommy Pergi scored 18 points as the Crusaders slipped past the Huskies.

Brady Elliott had 24 for Harrison Central.



Union Local 66, Buckeye Local 22

CONNORVILLE – Brandon Mehl went for 20 points and Brody Kerns chipped in 17 as the Jets soared past the Panthers. Isaac Hess had six for Buckeye Local.


Brooke Sweeps University

MORGANTOWN – The Bruins slipped past the Hawks 1,388 to 1,352 in girls’ action as Kaylee Tuttle rolled games of 156 and 146 for a 302 series.

Seth Schroeder had a 228 game and 429 series for the boys. Brady Yost had a 224 game and 399 series.


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