
Creek standout McKenna Scott is headed to Purdue Fort Wayne

HEADED TO FORT WAYNE — Indian Creek standout senior McKenna Scott recently signed to continue her academic and softball careers at Purdue Fort Wayne. Joining McKenna, center, for the occasion were, from left, her parents Robyn and Mike Scott, her boyfriend Caleb Bodo and ICHS head softball coach Anegla Penner. - Contributed

WINTERSVILLE — Indian Creek multi-sport standout McKenna Scott is headed to the Division I college level.

Scott recently signed her letter of intent to play softball for Purdue Fort Wayne, a Division I program that competes in the Horizon League.

She is currently a senior on the Redskins basketball team.

“McKenna is a talented young lady,” Indian Creek softball coach Angie Penner said. “She comes from a great family as her two older sisters are Indian Creek graduates. She will be a great fit for Purdue Fort Wayne.”

Scott led finished last season with a .490 batting average, six doubles, four triples and a homer with 13 RBIs and an OPS of 1.458. She stole 11 bases and was 2-0 with a 2.90 ERA in the circle. She was an All-East District first team selection.

In her three-year career at Creek going into her senior season next spring, she’s hit .510 with 32 RBIs and 21 extra base hits and is 7-1 as a pitcher with a 3.33 ERA career ERA.

She also plays for the Ohio Stingrays elite softball organization.


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