
Beaver Local tops Buckeye Local

GETTING TO THE QUARTERBACK — Beaver Local’s Michael Clendenning tackles Buckeye Local quarterback Danny Callarik on a pass intended for John Marelli (20). (Joe Catullo)

CALCUTTA — Beaver Local scored five times in the second quarter during its 52-6 victory over winless Buckeye Local Friday night.

Beaver Local improves to 3-4, 2-1 in the Buckeye 8 North Division. Buckeye Local falls to 0-7, 0-3.

“We wanted to start strong, and the kids came out and did that. The linemen did a great job and started clicking,” Beaver Local head coach Jeremy McElroy said.

The Beavers tallied 475 rushing yards. Garrett Givens led with 185 yards on 12 carries and three touchdowns, including a 90-yard run late in the second quarter. Torey Calio recorded 80 rushing yards, 36 receiving, one touchdown and a 2-point conversion. Michael Clendenning added 12 rushes for 70 yards and a score. Alex Saffell cloesd the scoring with a 23-yard rushing touchdown in the fourth quarter.

Defensively, the Beavers forced three turnovers (two fumbles and one interception). They allowed just one rushing yard on 11 attempts. Despite a 64-yard passing touchdown from Dan Callarik to John Marelli, McElroy was pleased.

“Our defense played well. Our coverage broke down on the touchdown but did a good job overall and were able to limit space,” McElroy said.

After a scoreless opening quarter, the Beavers struck for 31 in the second. Givens had two of his three touchdowns in that frame. Calio and Clendenning also scored.

In the third quarter, Chad Mays recovered a fumble and returned it 60 yards for a touchdown. Givens later ran for his third score, an 8-yard run to put the Beavers ahead 45-7.

Buckeye Local travels to East Liverpool on Friday while Beaver Local hosts Indian Creek.


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