
DiBartolomeo remembered for service to community, nation

WEIRTON — Area officials are remembering a man they say always worked for the benefit of the community and nation.

Joe DiBartolomeo died Friday, according to an obituary from Greco-Hertnick Funeral Home, following a 15-year battle with cancer. He was 74.

The son of Osvaldo and Gina Guidone DiBartolomeo, he was known for a life of service, in the military, as well as in the public and private sectors.

He spent two stints as Weirton’s city manager, first from August 2018 to February 2019, and again from November 2019 until July 2021, as well as two years as city manager in Follansbee, a position he held until April. He was a candidate last year for City Council in Weirton’s municipal election.

From 1991 to 2002, he served as Weirton’s city attorney as part of the administrations of Edwin J. Bowman and Dean Harris.

“Joe and I have known each other since we were kids,” Harris said. “We grew up on Marland Heights together.”

In addition to his roles in government administration, DiBartolomeo had a 36-year career in the military, serving in the Marine Corps, Army and Army National Guard and attaining the rank of brigadier general.

His service took him around the world, and included an assignment as the deputy commanding general (reserve component) for Special Forces Command-Airborne at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, along with tours in Europe and Pakistan and an assignment at the Pentagon.

“He was a hero in a lot of people’s minds,” Harris said. “He’ll be dearly missed by not just his family, but friends as well.”

A graduate of Weir High School, he would attend West Virginia University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration, a master’s in professional accounting and a Juris Doctorate. He also attended the University of Notre Dame, and completed programs including the Army Strategic Leadership Development Course and the National Defense University’s CAPSTONE.

Follansbee Mayor David Velegol Jr. said during DiBartolomeo’s time with the city, he filled vacancies in the City Building’s staff with very qualified people.

“He really built up the front office (staff). That’s a strong group for the City of Follansbee.”

Velegol added he got to see a personal side of DiBartolomeo.

“I think his greatest attribute was he was a family man. His family was very important to him,” he said.

DiBartolomeo also practiced as an attorney and worked as a tax accountant at various points in his life.

He was a member of St. Joseph the Worker Roman Catholic Church and the Italian Sons and Daughters of America — Weirtonian Lodge.

“His heart was always in his community and what he could do to make it better,” said Brenda Mull, president of the Weirton Area Chamber of Commerce. “Joe will be missed by many.”

In recognition of his service to the community, DiBartolomeo was elected to the Weirton Hall of Fame in 2010.

DiBartolomeo is survived by his wife, Maria; daughter, Christina; and son, Joseph; granddaughters Ariana and Lola Joe; as well as a grandson, Alexander Joseph, due in March; and numerous extended family members.

There will be no public visitation or service. Memorial contributions may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project.

(Staff writer Warren Scott contributed to this article)


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