
Weirton honors Miller for service to community

SERVICE RECOGNIZED — As part of Monday’s Weirton Council meeting, a mayoral proclamation was presented to recognize the service of former mayor Harold “Bubba” Miller, as well as his wife, Christine. -- Craig Howell

WEIRTON — The city’s new administration Monday honored the work of the city’s previous leadership.

As part of the first regular meeting of the new Weirton Council, Mayor Dean Harris set aside a moment to recognize former mayor Harold “Bubba” Miller with a proclamation in honor of his service to the community.

“This is from all of us,” Harris said. “Everybody in this building, everybody you guys have touched while you were working here. That’s the one thing I’ve noticed once I got in office, how beloved you were, which puts a lot of pressure on me.”

Harris also offered appreciation to Miller’s wife, Christine, for her support and encouragement to the former mayor over the years.

“I know, having served eight years in office, sometimes the only support you’ve got is the one you have at home,” he said.

Calling it an honor to follow him in office, Harris noted how he first met Miller through Harris’ late brother, who had worked in the sales division of Weirton Steel, and, reading the proclamation, listed many of his contributions to Weirton.

“I don’t know that I’ve met a kinder, more sincere person than this guy,” Harris said. “We ran against each other and we came out of it better friends than we went in.”

In addition to his service as mayor from July 2015 to December, Miller served as the Ward 2 representative to City Council from 2003 to 2011, and was instrumental in Christmas celebrations in recent years, starting with reinvigorating a tree lighting in Weirton’s north end and then the creation of Christmas on Main Street.

During his administration, numerous business development projects came to fruition, including the establishment of Form Energy, Bidell Gas Compression, and Pietro Fiorentini, as well as the construction of Three Springs Crossing, and the Park Drive development project.

He also worked to honor the community’s veterans through mayoral proclamations awarded almost every month during city council meetings, and through the launch of the Purple Heart parking program in Weirton.

Outside of politics, Miller has owned and operated several businesses in the city, has been active with Renaissance Weirton, the Madonna High School Athletic Board, Comfort House and Family Connections, as well as serving as president of both the Weirton Jaycees and the St. Joseph Parish Council.

Miller looked back at the years of volunteerism, and his time in office with gratitude.

“I can’t thank you enough. It was a pleasure to serve in this capacity for the city of Weirton,” Miller said.

In addition to the proclamation, Miller was presented a basket of items commemorating his time in office, with Christine receiving a bouquet of yellow roses.

He took time for photographs with some of his previous staff, whom Harris referred to as “Bubba’s Angels,” including Administrative Assistant Brandy Brock, Assistant City Manager DeeAnn Pulliam and City Clerk Kimberly Long, before wishing the new council well.

“This is the group that makes it work, right here,” he said.


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