
Weirton Council approves some budget revisions

FIRST REGULAR MEETING — Members of the new Weirton Council administration met in their first regular session Monday, approving budget revisions and the repair of a garage door for the Weirton Fire Department. The meeting included, from left, City Manager Mike Adams, Mayor Dean Harris and Ward 4 Councilman Rick Stead. -- Craig Howell

WEIRTON — The first regular meeting of the new Weirton city administration included two budget revisions and repairs to a bay door for the city’s fire headquarters.

City Council unanimously approved a resolution to authorize revisions to the 2024-25 fiscal general fund budget.

Among the adjustments was an increase of $150,000 for the Weirton Fire Department, for use in renovations to the County Road Fire Station, as well as an increase of $125,000 for Streets and Highways for the replacement of the traffic control light on Marland Heights.

Finance Director Diana Smoljanovich noted the expenditures had been budgeted during a previous fiscal year, but hadn’t been spent.

“It was approved last year, and we’re putting it in this year’s budget,” Smoljanovich explained.

The revision also included an increase in revenue of $275,000 for the city’s Business and Occupation Tax, bringing the total anticipated from the tax for the fiscal year to $6,616,845.

Also revised was the city’s budget for its Community Development Block Grant — Coronavirus funds, which was approved through an amendment to the CDBG action plan to program the funding made available as a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

According to the resolution, there is $16,273.24 not programmed for use, with an increase of $3,259.66 for the Weirton Senior Center’s HVAC replacement project, and $13,013.58 put toward updates to the Bennett Drive playground.

Through these revisions, the Senior Center project is now budgeted to receive $266,663.90 from CDBG-CV funds, with Bennett Drive receiving $51,605.00 from CDBG-CV funds and additional CDBG funding, bringing its total budget to $61,468.09.

In other business, council approved a resolution to repair the Bay 2 garage door at Weirton Fire Headquarters, at a cost not to exceed $5,390 from C&R Garage Doors in Colliers. According to the resolution, the bottom two panels of the door are damaged beyond repair and require replacement.

Council also approved the appointment of Fred Marsh to the Weirton Traffic Commission and Councilman Jesse Keeder to the Weirton Planning Commission, as well as the establishment of a dedicated residential disability parking space in front of 104 Rhing Court for the resident.


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