
Weirton accepting applications for opioid funds

WEIRTON — While the West Virginia First Foundation announced its first round of awards in December, with funds derived from opioid lawsuit settlements, many of the state’s cities and counties have funds of their own ready to provide to programs facing off against the opioid epidemic.

The city received approximately $900,000 last year through the first distribution of opioid settlement funds made available from the state, with the potential for more funding in the future.

To date, though, City Manager Mike Adams said only one application has been received; for a program to potentially be offered by the Weirton Fire Department.

“It’s under consideration now,” Adams said.

Adams explained he has had interest, but no formal application, from the Weirton Police Department, as well as what he referred to as “a facility in Ohio.”

He is encouraging others to apply for the funds, though, noting an application is available online through the city’s website at http://cityofweirton.com/586/Weirton-Opioid-Settlement-Funding-Reques

Guidelines for use of the funds are established through the West Virginia First Memorandum of Understanding, tasking organizations awarded such grants to put them toward either education, emergency services, prevention, intervention, or rehabilitation in combating the opioid crisis.

“We would like to get this money deployed to people who are able to use it the way it’s supposed to happen,” Adams said.

To be eligible, an applicant must be either a tax-exempt non-profit entity or a government entity, have an established history of addressing the issues related to opioid use or have undertaken projects related to one of the five categories.

City officials also may consider whether the proposed use may be better handled by another entity, the applicant’s track record and history, whether the applicant has alternative funding sources for their proposal, whether it is a one-time award or an ongoing expense, the level of involvement for the city, existing funding of similar programs and the applicant’s anticipated outcome for its proposed program.

Successful applicants also must provide the city quarterly, written updates on their program and use of funds.

To assist potential applicants, Adams said his office has been providing examples of applications from other areas of the state awarded funding.

“I’ve been giving successful sample applications to other applicants,” he said.

The city’s application includes nine questions, asking for an applicant’s name, address and contact information, organizational officers, a description of the project, a cost estimate, a listing of other funding sources, how much is being requested from the city and how it will be used if awarded, and whether additional support from the city will be needed.

Each application will be reviewed by the city manager, or a designee, with awards requiring approval from Weirton Council.


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