
New Taco Bell welcomed to Wellsburg

SOMETHING NEW — The Brooke County Area Chamber of Commerce celebrated the opening of the Wellsburg Taco Bell with a ribbon cutting Thursday. Participating in the ceremony were Cory Shick, the location’s manager; Sherri Collins, regional recruiter for Charter Foods, owner of the franchise; Chamber President Eric Fithyan; Mayor Dan Dudley; City Manager Steve Maguschak and other members of the chamber. -- Warren Scott

WELLSBURG — Another choice has been added to the selection of restaurants serving those living, working or visiting Wellsburg with the opening of a new Taco Bell.

On Thursday, members of the Brooke County Area Chamber of Commerce and city officials welcomed the new eatery at the corner of 22nd Street and state Route 2 and were treated to lunch by its owners.

Store manager Cory Shick said since its soft opening on Monday, business has been very good and he and his staff look forward to serving many others in the future.

He said from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. seven days a week, customers in the restaurant’s dining room and drive-through may enjoy all of the lunch and dinner items familiar to Taco Bell lovers, from assorted tacos and burritos to the chain’s more recent cantina menu featuring slow roasted chicken.

The orders may be placed in person or in advance through https://locations.tacobell.com/wv/wellsburg, the Taco Bell mobile app or DoorDash.

Joining Shick in welcoming the guests was Sherri Collins, regional recruiter for Charter Foods, the restaurant’s owner.

The Wellsburg location joins Taco Bells operated by the franchise in Weirton, Steubenville and Wintersville and is one of more than 200 restaurants, including other fast-food brands, owned by Charter Foods in West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and South Carolina.

Shick said the Wellsburg store employs 28 people.

He added he’s been pleased with the public’s response to the new eatery.

“The city has been very welcoming to us,” said Shick.


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