
Local Briefs

Follansbee Police investigating death

FOLLANSBEE — A police investigation is under way after a woman was found dead in her Virginia Avenue home Tuesday morning.

Follansbee Police Chief Larry Rea said the state medical examiner’s office is slated to perform an autopsy on the 61-year-old woman, whose name he didn’t release, due to circumstances surrounding her death he said he couldn’t disclose.

He said the body was discovered by city officers who had been called to conduct a welfare check on the woman.

Solid waste meeting set

STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson-Belmont Regional Solid Waste Authority Board will hold its Reorganizational and Regular monthly meetings beginning at 5:15 p.m. Monday at the Jefferson JBGT building, 228 Technology Way.

The regular meeting is set to begin immediately after the reorganization meeting.

All meetings are subject to change, you are advised to contact one of our offices to confirm on the day of the meeting.

General board meetings are open to the public.

Contact the JBGT office for informtion.

Health board to meet

WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Board of Health will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the Brooke County Courthouse to appoint a chair and co-chair and approve an organizational chart.

School board meeting postponed

NEW CUMBERLAND — The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Hancock County Board of Education has been postponed, with officials citing continuing issues with inclement weather and the state of emergency in West Virginia.

The school board will now meet at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 21 at the John D. Rockefeller IV Career Center.

Traffic meeting canceled

WEIRTON — This month’s regular meeting of the Weirton Traffic Commission, which had been scheduled for Thursday, has been canceled.


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