
Hancock County animal shelter has an opening

NEW CUMBERLAND – Hancock County officials are searching for new leadership at the county’s animal shelter.

“There are two openings for management roles at the shelter,” explained Hancock County Commission President Eron Chek during the commission’s reorganization meeting Thursday morning.

As part of the meeting, commissioners agreed to advertise to fill the position of director at the animal shelter, located on Gas Valley Road, which is overseen by the county.

The director of humane and shelter operations is a full-time position which oversees the county’s animal control, field officers and animal shelter staff. It reports to the county administrator.

The person hired would be responsible for day-to-day management of the animal shelter and all humane investigations.

Qualifications include a bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience, a valid driver’s license, certification in Companion Animal Euthanasia Training, and continuing education opportunities. The individual also must pass a criminal background check, be authorized to work in the United States, pass drug tests, and not be prohibited from owning or carrying a firearm.

The commission previously agreed to advertise for the post of full-time animal control/humane officer, with Floyd Schulte, who recently retired from the position agreeing to serve in a part-time capacity until someone new is brought on.

This position’s duties include dog bite investigations, rabies response, animal-related law enforcement, abuse and neglect investigations, animal capture and other assigned tasks.

The individual must have at least a high school diploma or its equivalent, be bonded to carry a firearm and pass a firearm qualification with a duty weapon, physically capable of lifting 80 to 100 pounds and have the agility to capture animals on all terrain, and be available to be on call around the clock as well as when scheduled. They also must have a valid West Virginia driver’s license.

Both positions are being advertised currently.


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