
Hancock Commission organizes for the new year

THE LINEUP — The Hancock County Commission met Thursday morning, organizing for the 2025 calendar year. From left are Commissioners Paul Cowey, Eron Chek and Tommy Ogden. Chek has been selected to serve as commission president, with Cowey as president pro tempore. -- Craig Howell

NEW CUMBERLAND — The beginning of the year meant some shifts in the makeup and leadership of the Hancock County Commission.

The commission met Thursday morning, selecting Commission Eron Chek to serve as president for the 2025 calendar year.

Chek, who has served on the commission since 2021, said among her goals for the year are to look at new revenue opportunities and new methods of efficiency for the county.

Commissioner Paul Cowey was approved to serve as president pro tempore, who will step in during instances where Chek is unavailable to lead meetings or conduct other tasks.

Thursday’s meeting also was the first new newly elected Commissioner Tommy Ogden, who took the oath of office during a ceremony Dec. 21 and officially stepped into the office Wednesday.

“I’m really looking forward to working with everyone,” Ogden said.

Also part of Thursday’s reorganization was the approval of 2025 personnel and committee appointments.

“There’s a couple empty seats,” Chek noted.

Through a flurry of motions, the commission approved the appointment of Floyd Schulte as part-time dog warden/humane officer, by a 3-0 vote, the appointment of Ogden to the Executive Committee of the Brooke-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission, by a 3-0 vote, and the appointment of Chek to the Executive Committee of the Business Development Corp. of the Northern Panhandle, by a 2-1 vote.

Ogden also will serve on the boards for County Extension Services, Hancock County 4-H Foundation, the Top of West Virginia Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Criminal Justice Board.

Chek, meanwhile, will serve as the commission’s representative to the Hancock County Health Board, Hancock County Parks and Recreation, and the Hancock County Sheltered Workshop.

Commission representation remains to be selected for the RC&D Board, Greater Weirton Area Senior Center, Workforce Investment Board, and the Home Consortium.

In other business before the commission Thursday, members approved a job description for Schule’s role as part-time animal control, also establishing a pay rate of $17.01 per hour; established a schedule of meeting dates for the Board of Equalization and Review; agreed to advertise to fill the vacant position of director at the Hancock County Animal Shelter; and agreed to adjust the salary of Finance Administrator Ira Aracich to $65,000.

“This is due to an increase in traffic through the Finance Department due to grants,” Chek said.

The commission will next meet at 2:30 p.m., Jan. 9.


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