
Winter crisis program continues for Ohio residents

STEUBENVILLE — The Ohio Department of Development and Jefferson County Community Action Council want to remind Ohioans assistance is available to help with their home energy bills.

Through March 31 — or until funds are depleted — income-eligible Ohioans can receive assistance in paying their heating bills through the Ohio Department of Development’s Home Energy Assistance Winter Crisis Program.

The program assists low-income households pay their heating bills. Ohioans who are threatened with disconnection, have been disconnected from their utility service, transferring services, establishing new services or have a PIPP default with a disconnection notice at or below 25 percent fuel could also be eligible for the HEAP Winter Crisis Program

To qualify for assistance, Ohioans must have a gross income at or below 175 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for a family of up to seven members, and 60 percent of the state median income for a family of eight or more members. For a family of four, the annual income must be at or below $54,600.

To apply for the program, clients are required to schedule an appointment with the Jefferson County CAC. Appointments can be scheduled by calling (740) 725-8383 or online at jeffersoncountycac.itfrontdesk.com

Clients need to bring copies of the following documents to their appointment: Copies of their most recent energy bills; a list of all household members and proof of income for the last 30 days or 12 months for each member; proof of U.S. citizenship or legal residency for all household members; and proof of disability, if applicable.

Ohioans enrolled in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus program who meet the above criteria may also be eligible for assistance towards their default PIPP payment or first PIPP payment.

For information about the Winter Crisis Program, and what is needed to apply, contact Jefferson County CAC at 740-282-0971 ext: 200. To be connected to your local Energy Assistance Provider visit energyhelp.ohio.gov or call (800) 282-0880.


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