
Toronto court requests heard by Jefferson County commissioners

STEUBENVILLE — Requested updates at Toronto county court are going to be more extensive than commissioners initially believed.

Maintenance Supervisor Patrick Boyles said he met with Judge Lisa Ferguson and her clerk to find out what needs to be upgraded or reworked. Topping their list: A handicap-accessible restroom, new flooring and reworking doors to facilitate movement through the building.

“They’re asking for some substantial stuff,” Boyles said. “They want to put a … restroom in the entrance when you come into the building. Restrooms are a pretty big number, there’s a lot of plumbing (involved) and we would have to have permission from the landlord to do any of this, for sure.”

He said court officials also would like all of the wallpaper removed and the walls painted, the carpet replaced with durable luxury vinyl plank flooring and a new bench in the courtroom, as well as the door changes.

“My guess-timate is we’re looking at right around $40,000 to $50,000 for the changes,” he added. “The bathroom is doable, for sure, and she does have a point. Right now, people have to walk through the court, around the whole interior of the building, to get to the bathrooms, past all the offices. So, if we did put the restroom up front, that would keep people from (doing that.) It does make sense.”

He also pointed out Ferguson is looking for grants to help wherever possible, including for the purchase of metal detectors.

“This is the very early stages,” Commissioner Tony Morelli said after the meeting. “I think the lease expires (in the spring) and we’re not even sure what they want to do. So, I’m going to visit the court with (Boyles) and see what’s involved.”

Morelli said he wants to see what they have in mind for himself.

“Mr. Calabrese (Eugene Calabrese) has been a great landlord, I’ve known him a long time, and we would certainly want to meet with him and see what he has to say, too,” he added.

Commissioner Eric Timmons said he, too, would like to take a look.

“I want to see what it looks like there,” he said. “Fortunately, I’ve never had to go to court there so I don’t know, but I will check it out and see. And it might be good to visit when the lease comes up in May to see what’s best financially for the county.”

Commissioner Dave Maple said they’ve always had a great relationship with Calabrese and his family, “and they’ve always been good at working with us.”

“The judge has some needs that she’s requesting, and I think Commissioner Morelli is going to go down there and see what, if anything, we can help accommodate.”

Maple said it’s possible they can work out an agreement with the landlord to do some modifications “and then just pay for (them) through rent.”

“But that’s a negotiating point, it might not be something they want to entertain” Maple said.

Commissioners also:

• Approved the new agreement and permit associated with the Jefferson County and Others Stormwater Consortium Group. The contract outlines the Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District oversight related to OEPA’s small municipal separate storm sewer system program and its responsibility to assist members of the consortium. The agreement and corresponding permit must be renewed every five years.

Stormwater Resources Coordinator Mark Petho said that, after careful consideration and discussion with the stormwater oversight committee, the conservaton district board had decided to increase the annual fee by 2.5 percent annually during the next five-year term of the agreement. Petho said it’s the first increase since the program’s inception in 2003.

• Signed the contract for Jefferson Sewer and Water’s supervisory control and data acquisition to Cattrell Cos. Inc. for $911,637.61. In recommending the firm’s bid be awarded, their consultant, Andrew Dawson of Arcadis, cited the services Cattrell has provided in the past, including the 2017 sewer system telemetry upgrades project “where they successfully executed the project and brought 10 sites onto the new system.”

• Signed the contract for the Justice Center roof project with Boak and Sons of Austintown for $124,956. The county’s consultant, McKinley Architecture & Engineering, had deemed Boak’s to be the lowest qualified, responsible bid submitted.

• Opened three bids for the county Road 54 slip repair project: Howard Bowers of Wintersville for $215,952; Ohio-West Virginia Excavating of Powhattan Point for $215,176.50; and Dennison Bridge of Dennison for $284,009. The engineer’s estimate is $222,763.

The bids were referred to the county engineer for review.

•Accepted a quote for wall plate rewiring and updates in the juvenile detention center from Full Service Network of Pittsburgh for $7,498.01. Full Service’s was the lowest of three quotes obtained.

• Signed a contract with Cliff’s Tree Service of Amsterdam for removal of trees on various county roads. Commissioners will pay Cliff’s $139,749.93 for the work.


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