
Suspect sought after gun fired inside Weirton business

WEIRTON — Weirton police are searching for a suspect following reports of an individual firing a handgun

Officers were called to Route 22 Sports Bar, located at 307 Three Springs Drive, at approximately 11:50 p.m. Friday after receiving reports about a male firing rounds from a handgun into the side of the bar.

While reports note the suspect fled before officers’ arrival, surveillance footage and witness statements have been collected, and an investigation is ongoing.

“We are quite confident that a positive identification will quickly be made,” Police Chief Charlie Kush said in a statement released over the weekend.

Kush noted, while there were several patrons and employees inside the business at the time of the incident, no one was physically injured.

The Weirton Police Department is working with the Brooke County Prosecutor’s Office with plans to file criminal charges against the suspect.


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