
Steubenville City Schools stuff bus for local families

CAMPAIGN UNDERWAY — The Steubenville City School District worked with area sponsors to help local families this Christmas season. Tuesday morning, officials gathered at Steubenville High School for a Stuff the Bus event. The ribbon-cutting ceremony featured the help of Santa Claus, the Grinch, members of the Steubenville Police Department, city school officials, students and sponsor representatives. Local families will receive the donated merchandise beginning Dec. 16. -- Julie Stenger

STEUBENVILLE — The sun had not yet made an appearance. Temperatures were in the 20s. The blowing wind didn’t help matters any. The morning was one of the coldest so far this season.

But despite that frigid weather, the Steubenville City School District somehow warmed the atmosphere outside of Steubenville High School early Tuesday morning.

Perhaps it was their generosity. Their giving spirit.

For some reason … the weather wasn’t what was on everyone’s mind. It was the purpose behind their gathering that mattered.

For nearly a decade, the annual Stuff the Bus event has afforded several local families the opportunity to celebrate Christmas, a holiday which they perhaps might not have been able to celebrate otherwise.

HOLIDAY SPIRIT — Fourth-grade pupils at Wells Academy sang a Christmas carol following a performance by the Steubenville High School band as part of Tuesday morning’s Stuff a Bus event at Steubenville High School. -- Julie Stenger

Amy Colantoni, the district’s public relations and fundraising specialist, again organized the project she started in 2017.

She explained all seven schools in the Steubenville district, including STARS at the high school, helped by donating gifts. She noted this is a student initiative led by the global logistics and supply chain management classes.

Several community sponsors are donating what they can for needy families in the district.

A city school bus idled in front of the high school Tuesday, waiting on volunteers to begin loading the vehicle with the donated items from Wells Academy, STARS, McKinley STEM and Steubenville High School. It would be making stops at Pugliese West and Pugliese East elementary schools and Harding Middle School.

Colantoni noted 13 area sponsors, including area businesses, are helping with the collection that started Nov. 1 and runs through Dec. 16. She noted on Dec. 16, the presents will be sorted and distributed to families, just in time for Christmas.

So, who does the Stuff the Bus items help?

Colantoni explained principals and secretaries in the districts know the students and pupils who attend their buildings and can gauge which ones need assistance.

“The Stuff the Bus event is always such an exciting time for the students in the Steubenville City School District,” said high school Principal Ted Gorman.

“The students genuinely care,” he added, saying when they are asked to step up and help their classmates who may be in need, they do so without hesitation.

He thanked the community for contributing to the event, a list that includes 7 Ranges Entertainment, located inside the Fort Steuben Mall.

“We are super excited to participate in this event and help those in the community by giving back,” said Jessica Elias, chief party officer for the company.

Elias said 7 Ranges Entertainment is a location where people can drop off a new item. She commented anyone who brings in a gift between now and Dec. 16 will receive a round of free mini golf as a thank you for assisting in the cause.

Tuesday’s bus tour for collecting the donated merchandise began at the high school, where the marching band performed several selections. Following the band’s performance, those in the fourth-grade class at Wells Academy sang a Christmas carol for guests, which included Santa Claus, the Grinch, members of the Steubenville Police Department, students, school officials and area sponsors.

A ribbon-cutting preceded the stuffing of the bus with merchandise.

Among the items gifted were board games; crayons and marker sets; toys; bicycles; LEGOS; athletic equipment, including footballs and basketballs; baby dolls; personal hygiene items; and winter clothing, including hats, scarves and gloves.

Junior Sagan Smarrella, who is involved with the community through organizations including the National Honor Society and Key Club, stated on behalf of her classmates, “We think this is a great idea and are thankful that we have the privilege to give back to others in the community. It is something we do every year.”


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