
Sentences ordered in multiple Brooke County cases

WELLSBURG — Sentences were ordered Thursday for multiple Brooke County cases, including a Wellsburg man accused of incest and a Follansbee woman accused of child abuse resulting in injury.

Joshua D. Craft, 29, of Wellsburg pleaded guilty to one count of incest and was sentenced by 1st Judicial Circuit Court Judge Ronald Wilson to 12 months in jail and two years of supervised release.

Brooke County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Allison Cowden had sought five to 15 years in prison for Craft.

The prison sentence and a fine of $500 to $5,000 are the potential penalties for the crime under state law.

Prior to the sentencing, the court heard from two family members of Craft, who offered character testimony in his favor; and a family member of the victim, who said the child has undergone counseling as a result of the sexual abuse the child experienced at a young age.

In another case, Brittany Fluharty, 31, of Follansbee was sentenced to two to 10 years of electronically monitored home confinement followed by two years of supervised release.

Fluharty had pleaded guilty to two counts of child abuse resulting in injury following allegations she struck a child in her care in the face and ear, causing bruises discovered by Brooke County school officials.

The West Virginia State Police and Brooke County Sheriff’s Department were involved in the investigation.

The case also was handled by Cowden, who had sought two consecutive sentences of one to five years in prison, the maximum sentence under state law, for Fluharty.

Fluharty’s 35-year-old husband, Jacob, was sentenced earlier to six months in jail and two years of supervised probation after pleading guilty to child neglect resulting in injury following allegations he allowed Brittany to strike the child.

Potential penalties for the crime, under state law, are one to three years in prison or a fine not less than $100 and no more than $1,000 and up to five years in jail.

During Thursday’s sentencing hearing, Brittany expressed remorse for her actions.

Cowden told the court earlier the victim, who is no longer in the Fluhartys’ care, had been abused by a previous caretaker and suffered from emotional issues before being placed under their supervision.

Also on Thursday, Kenneth M. Spivey, 58, of Follansbee leaded guilty to domestic battery and domestic assault and was sentenced to three years of supervised probation including counseling.

According to the grand jury indictment against Spivey, the charges filed against Spivey stemmed from an April 5 incident in which he allegedly wrapped a belt around the neck of a woman known to him, bruising her and making it difficult for her to breathe.

Prior to his sentencing, the court heard from the victim, who asked for the charges to be dismissed.

In another case, Richard Jennings, 34, of Wellsburg pleaded guilty to burglary and was sentenced to three years of supervised probation including counseling.

Jennings had been indicted on counts of burglary, domestic battery and domestic assault for allegedly striking a woman known to him multiple times and preventing her from using a phone to call for help.

The sentence followed a plea agreement reached by Thomas Kroger, Jennings’ court-appointed attorney, and Brooke County Prosecutor Joseph Barki.

Barki confirmed the victim had sought for the charges to be dismissed, having severed ties with him, but said he insisted on the case against Jennings being prosecuted.


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