
Local Briefs

Wanton endangerment charge filed

WEIRTON — A Weirton man has been accused of entering a Weirton video lottery casino and threatening a man with a loaded handgun on Nov. 6.

George Ellsworth Johnson Jr., 35, of 53 Gullette Lane, faces four counts of wanton endangerment in Brooke County Magistrate Court in connection with the incident.

City Police have filed a criminal complaint stating they have identified Johnson as a man seen in video footage pulling a handgun from his jacket and attempting to strike another man’s head with it.

Police said the video shows the two men engaged in an altercation during which a third man was able to take the gun and empty its ammunition.

They said Johnson, who was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, fled the business with two others.

Man charged with kidnapping

WELLSBURG — A Wellsburg man has been charged with kidnapping for allegedly holding a woman known to him against her will between Dec. 13 and 16.

The case against Sean R. Scipio II, 38, 213 Yankee St., is pending in Brooke County Magistrate Court.

City Police have filed a criminal complaint stating the victim told them Scipio confined her to one room, took her phone, struck her in the head multiple times and threatened to stab her and a family member with a knife.


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