
Local Briefs

Brooke Madrigal Feast returns

WELLSBURG — The Brooke High School Choral Department will present its 43rd annual Madrigal Feast at 6 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday at the school.

Tickets are $30 each for the Medieval-themed event, which includes a dinner prepared by chef Rocco Basil and entertainment by the madrigal choir, which appears in costume inspired by the Middle Ages while performing songs from various eras a capella.

Reservations are required by Thursday and can be made at the school’s Main Office or by visiting https://events.hometownticketing.com and entering Brooke High School.

For information, call (304) 527-1410 ext. 5714 or e-mail jennifer.tulodzieski@k12.wv.us.

Toronto school board to meet

TORONTO — The Toronto Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday in the Toronto Junior-Senior High School Library.

The meeting has been moved from its usual date of Dec. 19.

Prevention, recovery board to meet

WINTERSVILLE — A public board meeting of the Jefferson County Prevention and Recovery board will be helda 6 p.m. Monday.

The meeting will be held at the St. Florian Event Center, 286 Luray Drive.

Township sets reorganization

BERGHOLZ — The Springfield Township Trustees will hold their reorganizational meeting at 6 p.m. Dec. 23 at the township building in Bergholz.

Lunch with Santa deadline nears

WEIRTON — Wednesday will be the final day to register for the Lunch with Santa, presented by the Weirton Board of Parks and Recreation.

Lunch with Santa will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturday at the Millsop Community Center, and is open to children from age 2 to age 10. The major sponsor is Hancock County Savings Bank.

Each child will receive a hot dog, piece of pizza, chips, a cookie and drink, as well as take home a coloring book with crayons and a candy cane.

Those wishing to attend must register ahead of time at the main desk of the community center by calling (304) 797-8520.


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