
Local Briefs

Fugitive captured in Weirton

WEIRTON — The suspect in a Virginia shooting recently was arrested by Weirton Police.

Janbler Torres-Santos was arrested in the city on Nov. 22, according to Weirton Police arrest reports, on out-of-state warrants for felony fugitive from justice charges.

He was listed with no age and no fixed address.

According to a report from the Prince Williams Times, published the same day, Torres-Santos, 25, had been charged in connection with a March shooting outside of a bar in Dumfries, Va. According to those reports, officers were called to the La Caverna Bar and Grill the night of March 7, arriving to find a 29-year-old with gunshot wounds, reported to have resulted from an altercation with a group of individuals.

Torres-Santos had been identified as a suspect, with warrants issued for his arrest, on March 28.

County airport board to meet

WINTERSVILLE — The Jefferson County Regional Airport Authority Board of Directors will meet in regular session at 3 p.m. Monday in the public conference room of the terminal building at the Jefferson County Airpark, 600 Airpark Drive.

Edison Hosting Christmas Concerts

RICHMOND — Edison Junior-Senior High School band and choir members are celebrating the season during several upcoming presentations starting Friday.

Choir members are “singing” in the season during their Christmas concert on Friday, while the junior high band will add their own festive soundtrack at a separate event on Tuesday.

Vocal Music Department Director Nicholas Hughes said grades 7-8 and high school singerss will welcome the holiday during a presentation of “A Night of Christmas Carols” at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. Hughes said a blend of holiday classics and global melodies will be on the playlist.

Meanwhile, Band Director Marc Sansone said the seventh- and eighth-grade band will host a holiday concert on Tuesday. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and performances will get underway in the auditorium at 7 p.m. It is also a free event but donations will be accepted at the door to benefit the junior high program for music, instrument repairs and related purchases for the band.

“The seventh grade begins at 7 p.m., followed by the eighth grade and the junior high jazz band will close,” Sansone said. “It will feature holiday music and we have about 60 students between the two bands.”


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