
Keeping warm

Individuals stood by a fire pit at the Rink at Franciscan Square during the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Holiday Open House at Franciscan Square, Monday. Jude Nehrbas, front, was joined by, from left, Leigha Cornish, Emily Childers and Matt Danico of Illumination Financial Group. The chamber hosted its annual open house to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year, including the addition of more than 60 new members. Around 150 guests were treated to free ice skating, s’mores and hot chocolate. The event was sponsored by the businesses at Franciscan Square: The Harp and Habit, the Inn at Franciscan Square, Jimmy John’s, Rubi’s Pizza and Grill and Illumination Financial Group. Chamber President Kate Sedgmer said the chamber was “thrilled” to have the event at Franciscan Square and “grateful that (the businesses) thought of us.” — Christopher Dacanay


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