
Gearing up

A family waited to receive free winter jackets from a volunteer during Thursday’s coat giveaway at the Sycamore Youth Center. Dubbed the “Bundle Up for Christmas” event, the giveaway was part of a block party jointly held by the Sycamore Center and Aim Women’s Center. Jefferson County children could register to receive a coat — 1,250 of which organizers amassed for the event through an Operation Warm grant awarded to the Jefferson County Family and Children First Council and the Salvation Army’s Coats for Kids program. Registrants could also obtain free hats, gloves, scarves, blankets and car seat covers. Simultaneously, Sycamore’s basement played host to the block party, which featured pictures with Santa Claus, a performance from the Steubenville High School Jazz Choir and 40 boxes of free pizza. — Christopher Dacanay


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