Cross Creek Elementary kids begin Leader in Me program
WINTERSVILLE — Nearly 500 students at Cross Creek Elementary are learning the importance of improving themselves after officially kicking off the Leader in Me program on Nov. 1.
Two programs were held in the school gym for grades PreK-2 and 3-4 which were led by Principal Dan Hartman and guidance counselor Brittany Shank and included videos about the initiative, one of which featured CCE Student Senate members demonstrating leadership skills. Administrators and teachers underwent training to implement the Utah-based program, something which has also been included in buildings districtwide, and will continue during a four-year period with the goal of creating a high-trust environment in schools, building student achievement, improving learning. The practices are based on educator Stephen Covey’s book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” and range from being proactive and setting goals to embracing teamwork and taking care of one’s physical, mental and emotional well-being.
CCE officials plan to target academics, particularly in math and reading; utilizing a common language for improvement; focusing on what is important; creating a leadership environment; putting first things first; and thinking win-win.
“We’re talking about leaders,” Hartman told the students. “You’ve done the job of learning what it means to be a leader. Leader in Me (means) everybody has potential to be a leader and it gives us the skills to succeed in academics, in interactions with each other and in being a leader in life. We’re learning the seven habits of Leader in Me throughout our day and throughout our year.”
He said Shank instilled those facets each day during morning announcements and the mission was to inspire the leader in everyone. Students then watched a video explaining the seven habits and how the children could utilize them while Shank featured a second video of fourth-grade Student Senate members practicing leadership skills inside the school and on the bus as a model for their peers.
“We talked a lot about our mission. What do we want people who come to the building to know about us,” Shank asked, to which students replied, “to be good leaders.”
The Student Senate’s video touched upon expectations in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, restroom and on the school bus, which ranged from listening, making good choices and trying their best to being respectful, staying in their seats and following safety rules.
“Our teachers, principals and staff are all showing leadership qualities. We celebrate leadership at Cross Creek Elementary in a variety of ways with shout-outs and we want to show you that we see you and thank you for your leadership skills.”
She announced leaders of the month from each classroom and said they would be recognized with a photo hanging in the building along with a token to obtain a book from the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports book vending machine.
“Every day we hope you live out the seven habits as you learn in the classroom so you can celebrate being part of Leader in Me,” she concluded.
Students taking part shared what they have learned about the program.
“You should always be helpful,” said fourth-grader Krysta Dille.
“I’m learning you should be proactive, you should be helpful and you should concentrate on your work,” added classmate Sadie Martin.
“Be kind,” responded fourth-grade student Jordan Telfer.