
County court making a difference

HELPING OTHERS — Staff members at Toronto county court helped coordinate an American Red Cross blood drive on Wednesday. Taking part were, from left, John Jones, probation officer; Brandy Fellows, District II clerk; Jamie Hinchee, District 1 clerk; Ashley Daugherty, District 1 clerk; Bobbi Hopes, a Xavier University nursing student who hosted the drive; Nikki Xahniser, District 1 clerk; and Probation Officer Jay Lowery. -- Linda Harris

TORONTO — Area residents helped save lives this holiday season by donating blood at Jefferson County District Court I in Toronto.

The drive was organized by Bobbi Hopes, a nursing student at Xavier University, as part of the American Red Cross Leaders Saving Lives scholarship program. That program rewards students who sign up to host blood drives with a chance to win scholarships.

“We actually received an e-mail from the Red Cross about (the program),” Hopes said. “That’s what made me aware that it was an opportunity to volunteer.”

District Court probation officer Jay Lowery said community service workers helped set up, “and some also donated.”

“They do get credit for eight hours of community service for donating blood, so they’re helping their community service and their fines. We’ve had a great turnout and it’s really nice for them, too, to help out and donate. They can feel good for helping other people out.


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