
Bulletin Board Auction under way in Weirton

UNDER WAY — Cutline goes here. The annual Bulletin Board Auction, organized by the Weirton Board of Parks and Recreation, is officially open, with bidding taking place through Wednesday. Standing with the bulletin board, located in the Millsop Community Center, are Programs Director Chris Krishak, left, and Parks Executive Director Coty Shingle. -- Craig Howell

WEIRTON — For more than 20 years, a sure sign of the holiday season in Weirton is the launch of the Bulletin Board Auction at the Millsop Community Center.

The longtime fundraiser, organized each year by the Weirton Board of Parks and Recreation, kicked off last Wednesday, with items available for bidding during the next several days.

“This truly has become part of the fabric of the holiday season in Weirton,” noted Weirton Parks Executive Director Coty Shingle.

Proceeds from the auction benefit recreation programs in the city.

This year’s auction has more than 120 items up for grabs, with Programs Director Chris Krishak expecting to receive a few more contributions before it is over.

Those interested in participating may visit the Millsop Community Center during regular business hours, look over the bulletin board listing all the available items, set up in the main hallway, and then visit the main customer service desk to pick up a bid slip.

The highest bids will be posted at the start of each workday.

Then, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday, the auction will go live, with an auction representative on hand to pass out and collect bid slips, posting high bids as they are submitted.

Successful bidders will be contacted by telephone Friday to collect and pay for their items. All items must be picked up by 5 p.m. Dec. 18.

This year’s auction includes gift cards from a variety of businesses, including Three Springs Laser Wash, Iannetti’s Garden Center, Dee Jay’s BBQ Ribs and Grille, Dragon Palace, Tudor’s Biscuit World, Wing It,and more, as well as a free alignment from Monro Auto Service and Tire Center, complimentary stays at the Fairfield by Marriott and the Holiday Inn, tool sets from Advance Auto and Lowes, a golf pass and a cottage rental from Brooke Hills Park, a free oil change from Ferguson Tire Service, a photo blanket from Kathleen and Paul’s Portrait Gallery, a 13-week subscription from The Weirton Daily Times and Herald-Star, a Bath and Body Works gift basket provided by First Choice America Community Federal Credit Union, a one-hour photo shoot from Crissy Fierro Photography and a 14-pound Hammer Effect bowling ball from Holiday Lanes.

A monetary donation from Starvaggi Industries assisted in the purchase of additional gift cards, Krishak explained.

“We appreciate the support of our local businesses,” Krishak said, noting several have offered donations for many years, and the auction would not be possible without them.

For information on the auction, residents may ask a customer service desk representative, or call (304) 797-5721.


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