
Buckeye Local school board targeting projects

TILTONSVILLE — More projects are on the horizon for Buckeye Local Schools as officials discussed updates during the Nov. 18 regular board session at Buckeye South Elementary.

Superintendent Coy Sudvary said no bids were received for the impending football field upgrade at World War II Memorial Stadium in Yorkville and the process has begun again with submissions being taken until Dec. 4. The project entails grading the field surface.

The football field is up for rebid and the deadline is Dec. 4 at 2 p.m.,” Sudvary added.

The school board hired McKinley Architecture and Engineering of Wheeling in August to help upgrade the football field as well as the high school track and assist the district in maintaining other sports facilities. The firm is responsible for evaluating and overseeing the updates for the playing surface on the football field and making recommendations for improving it, as well as giving options for long-term master planning. Both the track and football field work were targeted for completion during the current school year and have not received significant upgrades for nearly two decades, while the district will also be put on a maintenance cycle, so the facilities do not go without repairs.

Information about the bids is available on the school website at buckeyelocal.net.

Additionally, officials have their eye on replacing fiberglass windows in the gymnasiums at Buckeye Local Junior-Senior High School and Buckeye West Elementary.

The school board approved two resolutions selecting Mansuetto and Sons Inc. of Wheeling to replace the Kalwall windows at BLHS at a cost of $90,875 and at West Elementary for an estimated price of $38,863. Sudvary said the panes have outlived their usefulness and some issues have started to arise.

“Over time with age, they are deteriorating, and we’ve started to have water leaks,” he added, saying the project was a preventative measure to keep the problem from worsening. “We want to make sure we get these addressed. There are a few in both gyms in the high school and the small gym has a small leak. It’s only a matter of time and those windows are about 34 years old.”

He added that the panes at West were older, and hopes were to complete that work in early summer.

Among other business, the board:

• Discussed attending the Ohio School Boards Association Capital Conference in Columbus on Nov. 10-12. Leaders touched upon items including legislation on salaries and retirement changes;

• Learned that BLHS students will be interviewed and selected to become school representatives, and they would appear at the board organizational meeting in January;

• Approved the resignation of science teacher Amy Basinger, who will retire May 31 after 35 years of service. Sudvary said she will be a tremendous loss to the district;

• Approved the five-year forecast, which district Treasurer Merri Matthews said should remain in the black, but she will keep an eye on potential deficit spending;

• Learned that the heating unit was operating at the BLHS gym and routine maintenance was underway of facilities;

• Heard from South Elementary Principal Lori Roberts about happenings in her building, including a canned food drive, recent Veterans Day activities and programs with the Family Recovery Center and PAX Prevention;

• Held a moment of silence in honor of BLJHS teacher Karen Yanda, who recently died; and

• Recognized teachers Cameron Best, Stephanie Crust and Crysta Christian, who each received a $700 Best Practice Grant from the Jefferson County Educational Service Center.


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