Brooke Commission approves funds for shelter sewer system

SEWER PROJECT EYED — The Brooke County Commission Monday allocated $200,000 from federal pandemic relief funds for the replacement of a package sewage treatment plant serving the county’s animal shelter and recycling center. It is among several Brooke County water and sewer projects receiving a portion of the funds. -- Warren Scott
WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Commission has allocated $200,000 from federal pandemic relief funds for the replacement of the package sewage treatment plant serving the county’s animal shelter and recycling center.
The commissioners, meeting Monday, confirmed the plant has been in operation for more than 30 years, has required multiple repairs in recent years and must be replaced to comply with regulations enforced by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection.
County Commissioner Stacey Wise said the plant served a shower room at the former main headquarters of the Windsor Coal Co.
Later acquired by CONSOL Energy, the building and property were donated to the county more than a dozen years ago and have since been used for the shelter, headquarters for the recycling program overseen by the Brooke County Solid Waste Authority and storage for the county’s emergency management agency.
Wise said the Brooke-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission is exploring the feasibility of sewage from the facilities eventually being served by the Brooke County Public Service District.
Commission President A.J. Thomas noted the panel was required to obligate all funds awarded to the county through the American Rescue Plan Act by the end of this year or return them.
From about $4 million awarded to the county, the commission allocated:
• $1 million toward a $5.9 million project involving the extension of sewer lines by the Brooke County Public Service District to about 178 customers in the St. John’s Road area; $175,000 to refurbish a water treatment system serving 118 residents on Colliers Way, and $172,000 to improve pump stations serving about 50 customers on Mahan Lane near Follansbee and the Beech Bottom Industrial Park.
The district also will apply $50,000 from the ARPA funds toward its efforts to build a new wastewater plant in Beech Bottom with a greater capacity to serve potential new businesses at the industrial park and others.
• $517,000 to the Washington Pike Public Service District to extend water lines to about a dozen homes and the Drovers Inn restaurant and to replace valves and hydrants along a main line serving about 576 water customers elsewhere.
The commission also allocated $150,000 from the funds for the district to replace pumps at two pump stations and $677,000 to inspect, clean and paint water tanks serving the Rabbit Hill Road, Chapman Heights and state Route 88 areas.
• $986,500 to the Hammond PSD toward a $5.5 million project involving the replacement of about 13,900 feet of water lines and refurbishment of the district’s four water tanks.
In many cases, the public service districts secured other federal and state funds for the projects.
In other business, the commissioners:
• Lamented the loss of Julia “Julie” Mendel Barnhart, who died at age 56 on Dec. 23 after battling a liver disease for several years. Barnhart had overseen numerous productions at Brooke Hills Playhouse, was president of the Brooke County Arts Council, its volunteer parent organization; and a member of the Brooke Hills Park board.
A memorial service for her has been set for 4 pm. to 7 p.m. Friday at Reasner Funeral Home.
• Approved an agreement with the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department involving the $80,000 purchase of a pickup truck for the Brooke County EMA and forgiveness of $30,000 from a lease agreement between the county and fire department for an ambulance in use by the county’s ambulance service since 2017.
• Approved a contract with Global Science & Technology through which the information technology consultant will receive $1,550 per month for its services.
• Announced they will accept letters of interest in volunteer seats on the county board of health and the Brooke County Public Service District board through the office of County Clerk Kimberly Barbetta at the county courthouse.
• Announced the courthouse and other county offices will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
It also was announced board of equalization hearings, for those disputing the assessment of their property values, will be held on Feb. 4.
Those seeking such a hearing should call (304) 737-3661.