
Boil, conservation orders continue in Weirton

WEIRTON — City-wide boil and conservation orders remain in place, while officials say Weirton’s water systems are recovering following a series of line breaks in recent weeks.

The Weirton Area Water Board had issued a conservation order Dec. 18 after approximately 30 line breaks had occurred within the water system in a matter of two weeks, leading to supplies feeding the city and neighboring areas services by the system being lower than desired.

Continued line breaks in the time since, and in particular a break in a main line serving the city’s downtown on Friday, resulting in outages for several areas of the community, resulted in the Water Board issuing a city-wide boil order.

Friday evening, the water board and city announced arrangements had been made with Cleveland-Cliffs to provide water from within its local facilities for the municipal system, with a pump being brought in to assist in recharging the system and re-establishing service to residents and businesses.

As of Saturday evening, much of the city was able to use water again.

“The water system is recovering and households should have water,” said a notice posted on the city’s official Facebook page. “All water stations will be closed at this time. Please continue to observe the boil water notice below.”

Water stations, established at the Weirton Fire Department’s headquarters, Gilson Avenue and County Road stations, had been made available to distribute bottled water for residents’ use. Those distribution sites were closed Saturday evening as the system began to recover.

The conservation order remains in place, and those who still have service are being asked to reduce their usage of water until further notice.

Under the boil order, water customers are recommended to bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one minute and then cool before using, or use bottled water.

Boiled or bottled water is suggested for us for all drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, bathing and food preparation.


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