Bill helps active-duty military purchase a home

BILL SIGNED — On hand for the signing of SB 257 were, from left, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted; Kate Oliveti and Zach Prouty of the state treasurer’s office; Kaleb Stutzman and Brandon Moll, representing state Sen. Terry Johnson, R-McDermott; Gov. Mike DeWine; state Sen. Brian Chavez, R-Marietta; and Caitlyn Looby and Kyle Jamison of Chavez’s office. -- Contributed
COLUMBUS — State Sen. Brian Chavez, R-Marietta, joined Gov. Mike DeWine for the signing of Senate Bill 257.
This legislation expands the Ohio Homebuyer Plus program to include active-duty military members who reside in another state but are stationed in Ohio. This program creates a special tax-incentivized savings account for the purchase of a home in Ohio. Chavez jointly sponsored the legislation with state Sen. Terry Johnson, R-McDermott.
“I am grateful to see this bill signed into law,” said Chavez. “Our service men and women who serve our country deserve to have the option to join this program when looking to put down roots in the Buckeye State. Owning a home is a big part of the American dream. With this legislation becoming law, I hope more people live that dream in Ohio.”
Chavez represents the 30th District in the state Senate, which encompasses Athens, Belmont, Harrison, Jefferson, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble and Washington counties and portions of Guernsey County.