
Arrest made in firearm incident

WEIRTON — A Weirton resident has been arrested in connection with an incident in which a firearm allegedly was discharged inside of a local business.

According to information released Friday afternoon by Police Chief Charlie Kush, Jessie Clayton Settle, 29, of Weirton faces two felony counts of wanton endangerment involving a firearm.

The charges stem from an investigation after officers were called to Route 22 Sports Bar, 307 Three Springs Drive, just before midnight Dec. 20 on a report of a male firing rounds from a handgun into the side of the bar located at the business.

“Surveillance video showed Mr. Settle sitting at the bar, showing a handgun to his friend, then firing two shots into the wooden bar in front of him,” Kush said.

According to reports, no one at the business was injured as a result of the incident, and Settle left prior to the arrival of police officers.

Settle was arraigned Friday in Hancock County Magistrate Court, as he was arrested in the county according to Kush, and released on $4,000 bond. The case will continue in Brooke County.

No hearing date had been set as of Friday afternoon.


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