
Weirton welcomes the holiday season with tree lighting

LET IT SHINE — Mayor Harold “Bubba” Miller, surrounded by family, flipped the switch Wednesday to officially light the Christmas tree located at the intersection of Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in Weirton. -- Craig Howell

WEIRTON — City officials and guests gathered in Weirton’s North End Wednesday night for a ceremony helping to usher in the holiday season, while harkening back to the community’s history.

Surrounded by members of his family, Mayor Harold “Bubba” Miller flipped the switch, officially lighting Weirton’s North End Christmas tree, located at the intersection of Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

“It’s an honor to be in this spot,” Miller said, noting the significance of the neighborhood, pointing to what had been the administrative building for Cleveland-Cliffs and its predecessors in Weirton, and describing many of the schools and houses which once were located nearby.

For many years, a tree stood on that same corner, something Miller worked to bring back after first being elected mayor in 2015.

“We used to go out to the public and see if anyone had a tree to cut down,” he said, referring to the practice of placing a live tree, donated by residents, at the spot.

This year, though, through an allotment of funding by City Council, artificial trees were purchased, with one placed in the North End and another in front of the Millsop Community Center.

Wednesday’s event, while kicking off some of the local holiday festivities, served as an opportunity to thank the current City Council for its contribution.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to them for having a vision to bring Christmas back,” City Manager Mike Adams said.

Thanks also were offered to Cleveland-Cliffs, Nick’s Auto, Form Energy and Weirton Medical Center, who are serving as major sponsors of Christmas on Main Street, set to take place Nov. 23. That day of activities will be capped off with the lighting of the tree in front of the Millsop Center, as well as a fireworks display.


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