
Toy, food drive a reminder of spirit of the holidays

SPIRIT OF GIVING — As part of its Christmas on Main Street activities, the City of Weirton has once again organized a toy and food drive, with collections to benefit the Salvation Army. Collection boxes are located at the Weirton Municipal Building, Millsop Community Center, Mary H. Weir Public Library and Weirton Fire Department. Helping to get ready for Saturday’s festivities are, from left, Fire Chief Kevin Himmelrick; Festival Committee members DeeAnn Pulliam, Coty Shingle and Brandy Brock; and Police Chief Charlie Kush. -- Craig Howell

WEIRTON — City officials are counting down the days to Christmas on Main Street, hoping it will encourage residents to spread some holiday cheer and remember the spirit of giving.

Christmas on Main Street will take place from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, with activities in the area of the Millsop Community Center.

In the days leading up to the festivities, though, officials are asking residents to remember the importance of giving during the holidays, with the city’s annual toy and food collection to benefit the Salvation Army.

“We have public collection boxes at the Municipal Building, the headquarters and Gilson Avenue fire stations, the Millsop Community Center and the Mary H. Weir Public Library,” explained Assistant City Manager DeeAnn Pulliam.

The collection will be ongoing until Dec. 9.

On Saturday, residents wishing to make a donation can drop it off at the Weirton Room of the Millsop Community Center.

Fire Chief Kevin Himmelrick noted there was a noticeable drop in donations in 2023, saying he hoped to see more contributions this year.

“The year before, people were knocking on the door all day,” he said.

Police Chief Charlie Kush added that all donations will remain local, through the efforts of the Salvation Army, to benefit area residents.

“We’ll make sure it gets to needy families,” Kush said.

Christmas on Main Street will include an afternoon full of live entertainment, food and craft vendors, and more, all leading up to the lighting of the community Christmas tree in front of the community center at 7 p.m., to be followed by a fireworks display.

“It’s a great day and it’s all free,” noted Parks Director Coty Shingle.

Following a welcome ceremony at 1 p.m., the entertainment lineup includes performances by the Weir High drum line at 1:10 p.m.; Casey Sisters Dance Academy at 2:15 p.m.; Dance by Hillary at 4:30 p.m.; Deja Vu and Two Friends Trio at 5:15 p.m.; Weirton Christian Center Signs of Hope at 6:15 p.m.; and Joann Jones at 6:40 p.m.

Entries in this year’s Gingerbread House contest will be on display inside the Weirton Room of the Millsop Community Center.

“We have 32 gingerbread entries,” explained Pulliam, reminding residents that, in addition to selections by a panel of judges, festival attendees will have an opportunity to vote in the new People’s Choice category.

Other activities will include ice skating, a virtual roller coaster, inflatables, an LED mini golf, and train rides throughout the day.


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