
Old Mingo High School posing safety issue

DIALOGUE — Mingo Junction Village Councilwoman Jodilynn Fitzgerald addressed Mayor Judy Ruckman during Tuesday’s regular council meeting. -- Christopher Dacanay

MINGO JUNCTION — The former Mingo High School building is posing a major safety issue that needs to be addressed, Mingo Junction Mayor Judy Ruckman said during Tuesday’s regular village council meeting.

Ruckman reported that, on Saturday, a young individual entered the former school building and kicked out a window. The youth ended up cutting himself and suffered serious bleeding. Had the individual not been able to reach assistance, he may have died, Ruckman said.

Once a proud symbol of the village’s prosperity, the unused school building has become a target for vandalism, prompting numerous police department responses. The vandalism is “getting ridiculous,” Ruckman said, adding that the building “is going to be in disrepair if we don’t do something.”

The building is owned by a private individual who currently resides outside the country.

“I sent (the owner) an e-mail saying it’s imperative that you hire somebody to get this building secured or get cameras on it because it’s causing havoc,” Ruckman said.

Village Councilman Mark Baker inquired about whether the building could be used for some purpose, to which Councilwoman Jodilynn Fitzgerald noted that previous ideas by the village had been scrapped. Village Administrator Darrin Corrigan added that the costs associated with such a renovation would be “astronomical.”

Village Clerk Jay Fabian suggested investing in trail cameras at the building, in addition to other problem areas in the village.

Separately, Corrigan confirmed that the Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority will provide transportation from the Mingo Junction Knights of Columbus Hall to Aracoma Park during the village’s light-up night, which will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 9 at the park.

SVRTA drivers will also make runs downtown to pick up any individuals who mistakenly went to the city building for light-up night.

Ruckman said there will be no parking available near Aracoma Park’s large shelter house during the event.

She added that the village has allocated no money for the event, as it is being covered entirely by donors.

Corrigan also reported that all Christmas decorations have been posted downtown, and they’ve drawn many compliments.

In other business, council:

• Canceled its Dec. 24 meeting, which would have occurred on Christmas Eve. The Dec. 10 meeting will still take place.

• Declared that there will be no rubbish pickup in December due to the holidays. Additionally, the regular garbage route on Thursday, Thanksgiving, will be moved to Friday.

• Passed as emergency legislation an ordinance giving the state permission to complete a desired project inside the village’s corporate limits. Scheduled for next summer, the project would see a retaining wall and drainage system along the state Route 7 on-ramp from Logan Avenue replaced. The project will require a detour for the ramp.

• Heard that the Woman’s Club of Mingo Junction is desperately in need of sponsors for its Wreaths Across America Project, or else it won’t reach its goal of 300 wreaths. Inquires can be directed to mingorouse@comcast.net or (740) 346-6535.

• Determined next year to revisit possible traffic alterations on Madison and Garfield avenues to better accommodate safety vehicles, as well as possible adult supervision rules at the Mingo Junction Pool.

• Agreed next meeting to have Police Chief Willie McKenzie III provide a full figure for work on a newly purchased cruiser to get it action-ready, as well as which fund he intends to take the money from.

• Heard that the village service department replaced an aging railing that runs from Ravine Street to Standard Avenue.

• Entered executive session regarding litigation.

• Voted to excuse Councilwoman Pat Cramblett, who was absent due to an illness.


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