
Local Briefs

Road repairs to affect traffic

COLLIERS — Part of St. John’s Road will be reduced to one lane from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. beginning Monday and continuing through Nov. 15 while crews perform repairs to the road.

Two-way traffic will be maintained by flaggers. Drivers should slow down and be prepared for delays.

Library board to meet

STEUBENVILLE — The board of trustees of the Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County will meet at 4 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Main Library, located at 407 S. Fourth St. in downtown Steubenville.

If you would like to address board members during the public comment period, visit or call the Main Librry (740) 282-9782 to sign up by noon on Monday.

EOCC facility board to meet

WINTERSVILLE — The facility governance board of the East Ohio Correction Center will hold a regular meeting at 11 a.m. Nov. 22 at Eastern Ohio Correction Center, 470 state Route 43 Wintersville.

SVRTA plans holiday schedule

STEUBENVILLE — Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority will run on a holiday schedule, and its offices will be closed Monday in observance of Veterans Day.

The regular schedule will resume Tuesday.

Airport board to meet

WINTERSVILLE — The board of trustees of the Jefferson County Regional Airport Authority will meet in regular session at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the public conference room in the terminal building at the Jefferson County Airpark, 600 Airpark Drive.


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