

County Road 5 closed

STEUBENVILLE — County Road 5 (Pleasant Grove Road) will remain closed to all traffic from the Belmont County line to Century Avenue until 3 p.m. Monday, officials with the Jefferson County Engineer’s Office said.

The closure is needed to allow for culvert replacement.

Burn ban issued

WELLSBURG — Brooke County officials have issued a burn ban for the entire county, citing brush fires that have occurred in neighboring counties that have involved response by the county’s volunteer firefighters.

In effect until further notice, the ban applies to all fire-related activities, including burning of brush and yard debris and open fire pits. Those who violate the ban may be fined.

Residents have been encouraged to report incidents of burning to local police.

Traffic to be restricted on Rabbit Hill Road

WELLSBURG — A portion of Rabbit Hill Road will be restricted to one lane, at milepost 1.59, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 11 to Nov. 15 for gas line maintenance.

Traffic will be maintained by flaggers. Motorists are advised to slow down and expect slight delays.

Inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances could change the project schedule.


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