
Local counties seeing high numbers for early voting

WEIRTON — Area election officials feel they could be seeing record-breaking numbers for early voting following the first two days.

Early voting in West Virginia began Wednesday, with registered voters able to visit their county courthouses to cast their ballots ahead of the Nov. 5 general election.

“We’ve been very busy,” noted Hancock County Clerk Karan Valenti, explaining her staff has been able to get voters taken care of quickly, although lines have formed, from time to time, outside of the Hancock County Courthouse.

Valenti noted Wednesday saw 321 county residents make use of the early voting period. By 2 p.m. Thursday, she said, there had been 602 voters combined between the two days, she said.

Hancock County voters wishing to participate in the in-person early voting period may do so by visiting the Hancock County Courthouse, 102 North Court St., New Cumberland, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Brooke County voters will go to their county courthouse, at 632 Main St., Wellsburg, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday during the early voting period.

Secretary of State Mac Warner reported estimates of 33,672 voters participating on Wednesday in the state, according to preliminary data, calling it the highest turnout in the last several elections.

He reported, as an example, more than 1,200 voters at one location in Bridgeport, with 3,000 votes cast in Monongalia County and 1,350 in Putnam County.

In the Northern Panhandle, Ohio County reported 606 voters had cast their ballots Wednesday

“Confidence is high in our election systems here in West Virginia,” said Warner. “On Wednesday, our clerks were ready. Our poll workers were ready. And the voters were ready to go to the polls.”

The practice of in-person early voting in West Virginia began in 2002, with the law allowing for 10 days of early voting prior to the scheduled election.

This year, early voting will run through Nov. 2.


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