
Hancock Commission approves another Park Board resignation

Folklore Fest to be held Saturday

NEW CUMBERLAND — The Hancock County Commission has another vacancy to fill on the county’s Board of Parks and Recreation.

As part of its meeting Thursday afternoon, the commission approved the resignation of Jeremy Pauley from the board. The resignation was approved unanimously.

Pauley resigned through an email to Commissioners Eron Chek and Paul Cowey, as well as the remaining members of the board, on Oct. 3.

“I am no longer on the board. I am leaving with Nick and the rest of the crew,” Pauley said in the email.

The latest resignation leaves only two active members of the park board – Brittany Holloway and Garrett Nichols.

Three other members of the board – Nick Travis, who had been board president, Sarah Cale and Corinna Meyers – had submitted their resignations in September, with the approvals by the commission made Sept. 26.

Pauley’s term was to have expired June 30, 2025, while Nichols is serving into 2026 and Holloway into 2027, according to the county website.

The commission, Thursday, also unanimously approved a recommendation to begin advertisements to fill the four vacant positions.

Commission President Jeff Davis, following Thursday’s meeting, said the commission may have to look more closely at the board.

“Moving forward, I believe there’s going to have to be some restructuring,” Davis said.

In a related matter, the Park Board’s annual Folklore Festival, which originally had been announced as canceled, will take place from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Gas Valley Road Sports Complex.

“It’s definitely happening at Gas Valley Park,” noted Chek.

A post on the board’s Facebook page Oct. 1 announced resumption of plans for the festival, noting there would be a costume contest at 4 p.m. for youth and adults, a trunk or treat, vendors, entertainment, and other activities throughout the afternoon.

The board, according to information on the county’s website, has a membership of between five and seven individuals. Terms on the board are for three years.

The county park board oversees the operations of four parks – Clarke Field Playground in Newell, Cove Valley Park along Kings Creek Road north of Weirton, the Gas Valley Sports Complex and Playground in New Cumberland and Lawrenceville Park in Chester.


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