
Sycamore works with Weirton in donation

COMMUNITY HELPING COMMUNITY — Volunteers with Steubenville’s Sycamore Youth Center joined members of the Tomlinson Run Church of Christ in Georgetown, Pa., to deliver bottled water to residents, businesses and churches in Weirton. At left, Sycamore volunteer Virginia Carpenter and church member Gary Robinson helped load the truck used to deliver the donations. At right, the day’s volunteers included, from left, front, Colleen McCarthy, Rasheed Floyd, Hayley Kaiser, Monica Ewing and Michelle Clum; and back, Robinson. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — A community came together in an effort to provide some relief to those who are facing water difficulties in Weirton.

Those with the Sycamore Youth Center donated a pallet of bottled water to residents, churches and businesses left without water since mid-December.

Because of the numerous water line breaks, which stem from cycles of freezing and thawing temperatures, as well as continuing upgrades to the water treatment plant, Weirton residents have had to rely on outside sources for assistance.

Michelle Clum, director of programming for the Sycamore center, came up with idea of donating bottled water to those in need.

Coordinating the effort, Clum explained the water was transported and distributed by New Cumberland resident Gary Robinson and Weirton resident Monica Ewing, members of the Tomlinson Run Church of Christ in Georgetown, Pa.

With Robinson driving the truck used to transport the donation, he and Ewing have been ensuring that water donations have been reaching those who are in need.

The pair have been taking the contributions and delivering the cases to neighbors, local churches and businesses without water.

The donation by those at the Sycamore Youth Center was no exception.

“Their dedication to serving the community has made a significant impact during this time of need,” Clum stated.

Sycamore volunteers assisted in loading the pallet, including Clum, P.J. Wingerter, Hayley Keiser and Virginia Carpenter.

Their efforts, along with the generosity of the center, reflect the organization’s ongoing mission to support and uplift the community.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to help,” Sycamore Executive Director Bobbyjon Bauman commented.

“And we appreciate those who stepped up to make this happen,” he added. “Faith in action is at the heart of what we do, and we are thankful for everyone who played a role in serving the community.”

For information on how to support or get involved with Sycamore Youth Center’s initiatives, visit the center’s Facebook page or contact Bauman at (740) 409-2986.


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