Steel drum highlights meeting

A PERFORMANCE OF STEEL — Wintersville Woman’s Club President Cheryl Taylor introduced her son, Zachary Taylor, as guest speaker for the group’s Dec. 19 meeting at the St. Florian Event Center. Taylor performed several selections on the steel drum, and provided a detailed explanation on how the instrument came to be. -- Julie Stenger
WINTERSVILLE — A steel drum performance entertained those gathered for the Wintersville Woman’s Club’s Dec. 19 meeting at the St. Florian Event Center.
Zachary Taylor, son of President Cheryl Taylor, served as the month’s guest speaker, performing several selections on his steel drum. As director of bands at Canton McKinley High School, he demonstrated how the instrument works and provided an explanation on how the unique piece came to be. Following the program, Taylor turned the meeting over to his mother, who welcomed the 25 members and guests in attendance.
Vice President Karen Josefczyk led the reciting of the pledge and Club Collect.
Recording Secretary Mary Beth Allen called roll, posing the question “Did you play a musical instrument in high school?” Each member went around the room and responded.
Following the secretary’s and treasurer’s report, Corresponding Secretary Michalene King reported cards were sent to those with a December birthday, along with a sympathy card. Taylor thanked the club for making December’s Holiday Splendor event a success.
The 22nd-annual event raised more than $6,800 to help the club with its community outreach initiatives and student scholarships. There were 206 reservations made for the luncheon and style show, where area businesses had the opportunity to be showcased on the runway.
Special thanks were given to the chairmen of the event, to Mistress of Ceremonies Joyce Palmer, the crew who set up the evening prior to the show and to the Herald-Star for its coverage.
The board of directors met to review all areas of Holiday Splendor, seeing how it can be improved upon. Vendors at the show were successful and the style show — the first to be presented solely by the club — was enjoyed by the audience, officials commented, noting all ages and a variety of stores were represented during the show.
Civic Engagement and Outreach Chairman Lynn Taliani reported 64 flags were collected in the club’s collection boxes at the Wintersville Post Office and the Schiappa Library branch.
Conservation Chairman Karen Hill asked members to continue saving clean prescription bottles for the Jefferson County Humane Society.
Conservation member Claudia Dorich asked members to save all types of plastic bags for Indian Creek High School, as the school is doing a project to obtain a bench.
Membership Chairman Pat Ketzel reminded members to invite friends and family to meetings.
The club will meet at noon Thursday at St. Florian for its January meeting.
The featured speaker will be Jodi Sheetz, director of Alive.