
New art exhibit coming to area Thursday

SOMETHING NEW — Summit Art Gallery will host a new exhibit beginning Thursday entitled “Something Old, Something New, Something Blue. The event features local artists’ works and is free and open to the public. -- Contributed

WEIRTON — Those who have an interest or a passion for art, may be interested in visiting the Summit Art Gallery’s latest art exhibition, entitled “Something Old, Something New, Something Blue.”

The exhibit begins Thursday, with an opening reception scheduled to take place between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

The reception is free to attend and open to the public. Those at the reception will have an opportunity to meet with the artists and enjoy light refreshments.

The show will run through March 1 during the Top of West Virginia Convention and Visitors Bureau’s business hours, being 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The gallery is situated within the visitors bureau, located at 243 Three Springs Drive, Suite 17 in Weirton. Members of the Top of West Virginia Arts Council, whose works are featured in the newest exhibit, will be showcasing their creative interpretations on the theme. This includes local artist and Richmond resident Gina Judy, who is serving as chairperson of the show.

Judy shared her enthusiasm about this particular showing, saying, “This exhibit is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the incredible creativity and talent of our local artists. We are thrilled to share this work with the community and invite everyone to join us. I am sure my co-chair, James Clum would agree.” In addition to Clum and Judy, members who will be a part of the exhibit include, Joyce Beatty, Garen DiBartolomeo, Shane Howland, Dennis Jones, Mary “Sis” Keenan, Diane Kessler, Dave Leppar, Everett Metz, Jaci Rice, Georgia Tambasis, Robert Watson and Nancy Wright.

The show’s theme has inspired a wide range of creative interpretations. Some artists have connected the theme to their subject matter, while others have interpreted it through the age or tone of their pieces. Artists’ written descriptions placed next to each work, will add to the public’s understanding and appreciation of the individual-pieces, Judy noted.

“The artists have included a description with thoughts about each of their works to further enhance understanding and enjoyment of the show,” Judy exclaimed. “The blend of perspectives provides a diverse display of the region’s talented artists.”

“The Summit Art Gallery continues to serve as a platform for regional artists to showcase their work and connect with the community,” she continued. “Don’t miss this chance to explore the vibrant arts and cultural scene right in the heart of the Ohio Valley.”

Judy expressed her appreciation to those who assisted her with hanging the works, including Clum, Jones and Leppar. Special thanks were given to those on the social and hospitality committee, along with Molly Mossor, chair and president of the arts council committee; Priscilla Runkel and Jane Watson, and Sarah Cale and Rachel Keeney of the visitors bureau.


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