Kiwanis Club to hold trivia comp

REIGNING CHAMPIONS — The Kiwanis Club of Steubenville is planning to hold its 13th-annual team trivia competition at 6 p.m. March 8 in the Steubenville High School Commons Area. Last year’s winning team was Pride of the Red Knights from T-Town, who beat their opponents by one point. Its members included, from front, left, Carmen Lucas, Jim Cope, Donna Twyford, Abbie Wilson, Jane Schockey and Mickey Cope; and back, Shawn Lucas, Fred Burns, Jim Orsini and Kathleen Nail. -- Contributed
STEUBENVILLE — It is said that knowledge is power. If that is true, the Kiwanis Club of Steubenville is looking for some powerful players to take part in its 13th-annual team trivia competition.
Kiwanian Tom Timmons announced teams are being sought to compete in a trivia challenge, scheduled to take place at 6 p.m. March 8 in the Steubenville High School Commons Area.
Timmons explained there is a maximum of 10 people who can participate on the team.
Each team that enters will pay a $120 entrance fee.
The idea of holding such a fundraiser was created by Timmons’ sister, Sue Busler, who resides in Maryville, Ill. After coming up with the concept, Kiwanians decided to run with the idea.
Thirteen years later, the event is still going strong.
Timmons stated Busler prepares all of the questions and categories that will be covered during the competition. She will then travel to Steubenville and serve as the evening’s emcee.
All of the proceeds raised will be used to help fund the club’s youth activities that take place throughout the year, Timmons noted.
The first-place team will receive in addition to bragging rights, $500. The second-place finishers will win $250.
Third place will be awarded $100.
“This is a fun, very competitive and fast-moving event,” Timmons said. “Most teams come back every year to participate, but we always welcome new teams.”
During last year’s competition, only a two-point difference separated the top three teams, Timmons commented, noting the top score was 916, while third place received 914 points. Proving that this particular event and its competitors can be, well … competitive.
Scores are posted by a Steubenville High School student following each round of the 10-round challenge.
Teams are welcome to bring their own snacks.
A 50/50 drawing will be held during the event, as well as a Chinese auction in which items have been donated by area businesses and Kiwanians to help make the fundraiser even more entertaining, Timmons concluded.
Those interested in joining the competition and signing up a team, can contact Timmons by calling (740) 314-9574 or e-mailing him at