
Forestry introduced at Creek

Indian Creek High School began a pilot program at the start of the school year, in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Columbus Zoo. Students in the classroom of Amber Scott and science teacher Crystal Fluharty, worked together to learn more about the subject of forestry. Lessons have included tree identification and helping to tend to hellbender salamanders. The students work in three separate groups, one tending to Chief, the main hellbender salamander and school ambassador. A second team feeds and records data in the bio-secure room. A third team learns the new vocabulary and words related to the forestry-related topics. Groups rotate on a regular basis, allowing everyone the chance to perform all tasks. Among those taking part in the program are Chrissy Simpson, Nandhana Ranjish and Audrey Higgins, who cleaned the tank and fed the salamander, while Elijah Gilman, Sincerly Harris and Donovan Morris watched the students care for the amphibian.

— Contributed


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