
Community news from around the area

Woman’s club cancels meeting

WINTERSVILLE — The Wintersville Woman’s Club has canceled its meeting that was scheduled for noon today at St. Florian Hall.

The cancellation was due to impending snow and freezing temperatures, according to President Cheryl Taylor. The group will not make up the meeting, but will hold its next meeting Feb. 20. The program will feature women’s heart health and the guest speaker will be Lisa Kush, who will discuss heart health at Trinity Health System.

Locomotion Weekend coming

PITTSBURGH — The Carnegie Science Center is inviting visitors to experience “the ultimate celebration of movement, mechanics and animation” during Locomotion Weekend on Saturday and Sunday. The final days of the blockbuster exhibition, “The Science Behind Pixar” will be shown.

This action-packed weekend will feature hands-on activities, engaging experiences and special experiences for train enthusiasts of all ages. Highlights include an assortment of operating locomotives and a bevy of guest train displays by local hobbyists and train associations. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Visitors can see their favorite models in the science center’s Miniature Railroad and Village exhibit, featuring scaled-down versions of Kaufmann’s, Fallingwater and the latest addition, Chinatown Inn. Locomotion Weekend activities are included with general admission and sponsored by Isaly’s. For information, visit CarnegieScienceCenter.org or call (412) 237-3400.


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