
Community news from around the area

Railroaders breakfast planned

CHESTER — All railroaders are invited to a breakfast meeting at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Family Kitchen and Smokehouse restaurant in Chester. For information, call (330) 853-3045.

Kiwanis Club to host trivia competition

STEUBENVILLE — The Kiwanis Club of Steubenville will be presenting its 13th-annual Team Trivia Competition. The event is scheduled to take place at 6 p.m. on March 8 in the commons area of Steubenville High School. Teams will compete for cash prizes, along with bragging rights, according to Kiwanis officials.

The cost will be $120 per team. There is a maximum of 10 people per team. Participants are asked to bring their own snacks to the event. In addition to the trivia competition, a 50/50 drawing will be held, as well as a Chinese auction. To sign a team up for the event, contact Kiwanian Tom Timmons at (740) 314-9574 or by e-mail at timmons@wesbanco.com.

Resource expo coming to JVS

BLOOMINGDALE — The Jefferson County Farm Bureau will host an Ag Producer Resource Expo at the Jefferson County Joint Vocational School from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Jan. 22. The event is to connect local producers with companies and businesses having the resources needed to improve any farming operations. The grassroots organization focuses on providing the community with resources and opportunities within the area of agriculture.

Officials explained that although this is an open, expo-style event, there will be breakout sessions for participants on the following topics: Understanding Soil Sample Results, Marketing Your Products, Creating a Farm Business Plan and Planning for an Unpredictable Year.

“Agriculture production is a rewarding profession,” stated Jefferson County Farm Bureau President John Grafton. “However, many of these producers in Jefferson County have farms that are supported by other sources of income from off-the-farm jobs. This naturally adds more stress to the operation. As a result, the farm bureau decided to bring together a number of resource providers at one central location. This gives our producers an opportunity to learn of resources to make their operation more efficient and take away some of that hectic stress.”

The event is open to the public and free of charge. Members will receive Ohio Farm Bureau resource guides of their choosing upon entry. If you are not a farm bureau member, but want the resource guides, you can sign up at ofbf.org or at the event. For information, contact the farm bureau at jefferson@ofbf.org or call the office at (330) 339-7211.

Grazing school to offer classes

SCIO — The Harrison County Grazing School will be offering classes at the Scio Branch Library as a three-part series for those interested in pasture management and forages. Those who are new to livestock and hay production are encouraged to participate, officials announced. Topics to be covered include management intensive grazing, goal setting, improving soil fertility and forage growth, meeting animal needs, water quality, paddock design, grazing economics and year-round grazing.

This year’s grazing school is being offered through a partnership between Harrison and Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation Districts, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ohio State University Extension and the Eastern Ohio Grazing Council.

Sessions are scheduled to take place from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursdays throughout the month of March.

During the March 6 session, participants will cover the topics of Getting Started Grazing and Soil Science 101: Soil Productivity and Conservation. On March 13, classes will cover Forage Selection and Growth, Fence and Water Systems and Meeting Animal Requirements in Pasture.

The March 20 topics include Pasture Weed Control, Economics of Grazing and Creating and Implementing Grazing Management Plans. The cost for all three sessions will be $5 per person and includes a meal during each class. Pre-registration is required and must be completed by Feb. 28. To register, call (740) 942-8823.

Farm accounting workshop set

STEUBENVILLE — The Ohio State University Extension office will offer a Farm Accounting Workshop with Quicken from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 4-5 at the Jefferson County Tower, located at 500 Market St., Suite 512 in Steubenville. The workshop will take place in the second-floor conference room. Officials explained financial record keeping is critical for those who run a farm business, and records help to support the completion of annual income tax forms and documents. Having accurate and accessible data makes tax time a smoother and less stressful process, according to extension office personnel.

Records can be used to manage critical farm input expenses, to calculate the costs of production and to allocate income and expenses to farm enterprises, farms or field locations. Records can be used to build reports describing farm finances in real-time, leading to stronger financial documents such as annual balance sheets and income statements. Quicken is a simple, single-entry, cash accounting system that allows users to record all income and expenses of farms and families. Workshop participants will use example farm data to learn how to set up accounts, categorize income and expenses, run tax reports and explore recording farm production data. Participants will receive workshop manuals and home references with each registration, and must be familiar with keyboarding and using a computer mouse. Registration is $65 per farm business. Space will be limited to 10 farm businesses.

The deadline will be one week prior to the workshop. To register, call (740) 264-2212 or e-mail lyon.194@osu.edu.

For information, visit go.osu.edu/quicken.


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